When Rory gets into the quarantine facility he faces Amy once again, but
he faces her 36 years into her future. Old Amy is mad at the doctor for
making her wait yet again and refuses to save her past self. She
selfishly asks Rory to take her with him instead of the younger Amy, but
he couldn't do that. In the end Rory gets young Amy into the TARDIS
with the doctor with old Amy facing the robots outside. The doctor won't
let her in and she is killed by kindness as Rory, the doctor and young
Amy fly away in the TARDIS to begin another adventure somewhere else.
The Doctor, Amy and Rory become trapped in a hotel of horrors unable to
escape and unable to find the tardis. The Doctor must save as many
people as he can taking many twists and seeing his own worst fear.
After traveling for 200 years and leaving messages for Amy Pond across
time and space, the Doctor realizes his time is up, its time to settle
down and accept his future at Lake Silencio. . . . . .But not before one
last goodbye. The Doctor travels to England and visits Craig and
Sophie, who are now happily married and struggling with parenthood. Not
everything is well, as the Doctor soon finds himself miraculously
working at a shop and battling Cybermen.
It's April 22, 2011 the day the Doctor is supposed to die but time seems
to be stuck at 5:02 p.m. London streets are clogged not only with
automobiles but also Roman chariots; pterodactyls fly in the sky. The
Holy Roman Emperor, Winston Churchill, calls on a prisoner to explain
what is happening. In fact, all time seems to be occurring all at once.
The Doctor determines that a fixed point in time has been altered or
prevented from occurring. That fixed point is his own death at Lake
Silencio where history records that River Song killed him. Of course not
all is as it ...